I absolutely love VSCode’s devcontainers feature, but I’ve never gotten them to work with my SSH keys. I’ve been writing my code in a container and then hopping out to WSL to run my fetches, pushes, and pulls. How bizarre! Well earlier today, I finally cracked the case, and here’s how you do it.

  1. Obviously, create an SSH key. Here’s how I generated an ed25519 key, which was then stored in ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.
    > ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
  2. Add your public key to the remote.
  3. Add (or create) the following to a file at ~/.ssh/config. This tells your agent to forward your keys. You may want to restrict the host if you could be SSH-ing to multiple hosts.
    Host *
     ForwardAgent yes
  4. Install socat and keychain for managing your agent.
    > sudo apt install -y socat keychain
  5. Add the following to your ~/.config/fish/config.fish file. If you use a shell that isn’t fish, you’ll need to put it into your shell’s startup file and make some slight adjustments.
    eval (keychain --eval --agents ssh id_ed25519)

When you start the WSL distro, the agent will start and VSCode will forward your keys to the container!